Finding issues by accident
With Hacktoberfest almost over, it's time to submit the last pull request to qualify for the prize. Thats easier said than done because as the final submission day gets closer, the harder it is to make a meaningful pull request with such short time constraints. After searching for about 3 hours trying to find an open issue that i could handle within the given time, i realized that i might have been better off just choosing one of the simpler ones and actually finishing it. In search for the "perfect" issue, i had cloned multiple repos in hopes that i could get one of them working so i could start trying to replicate the issue and fixing it. One of the repos that i cloned was for an iPhones application, for the popular card game, "Cards Against Humanity". As i was fiddling around with the app, i noticed that some of the text would not show up on my phone but worked fine when the app was running on a simulator on my computer. As much as i hate to admit this, i...